Factors to Consider When Selecting the Proper Roll Crusher for an Application

November 21, 2019
Selecting the proper Roll Crusher for an application depends on many factors.

When selecting the proper Roll Crusher 对于一个应用,你必须充分考虑破碎过程的所有组成部分.

There are numerous factors to be considered, such as:

  • Material to be crushed
  • Feed size
  • Product size
  • Ratio of reduction
  • Capacity
  • Compressive strength
  • Moisture content
  • Amount and type of refuse present in the feed 
  • The definition of fines and if minimizing fines generation is beneficial

All of these factors, and possibly others, should be considered so that the proper crusher is selected for the application. 让我们来看看这些因素是如何影响破碎机选择过程的. 

Material to be crushed

The material to be crushed plays a major role in the proper equipment selection. Consideration needs to be given to the following:

  • The friability or grindability of the material, which is typically referred to as the Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI)
  • The hardness in compressive strength (psi)
  • Other factors, such as moisture and abrasiveness:
    • 进料是粘性的、粘土型的材料,需要更多的剪切/撕裂作用吗?
    • Is it friable where compression crushing is applicable, or is it a hard material that requires impact?

If the material is hard, 可能会发生冲击载荷,因此需要特别考虑破碎机的设计和驱动配置. 有些物料被认为对辊式破碎机来说太硬了,可能需要用机械来处理 下巴, 撞击器 or Gyratory crusher. 


McLanahan Double Roll Crusher.

Therefore, 物料特性决定了设备的工作等级,以确保破碎机能够胜任预期的应用.

Feed size

一旦材料已知,要考虑的主要因素之一是进料尺寸. 为了正确选择轧辊的直径和宽度,必须考虑进料的顶部尺寸以及所需的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全设置. 


Angle Of Nip

The roll diameter has to be sized correctly to provide an adequate angle of nip, as shown in the photo on the right. 这种夹角保证了破碎机有能力抓住进料,并将其毫不拖延地拉入破碎区.

If the roll diameter is insufficient in this regard, a few issues begin to occur, most notably loss of capacity and accelerated wear of the crushing elements.  

If the angle of nip is insufficient, 当破碎机试图抓住和处理物料时,它可能导致物料在辊上行驶. When this happens, you inhibit material flow and diminish the throughput capacity of the crusher, which may result in material backing up and plugging the feed chutes.

也, as the material rides on top of the crushing rolls, it begins to act as a grinding agent, thereby accelerating the wear of the crushing elements.



选择与进料尺寸相比太窄的破碎机可能导致进料在破碎机开口上桥接. 当这种情况再次发生时,吞吐能力就会下降,溜槽就会堵塞.


Required product size

Next to be considered is the required product size.

When taking this into account, 您还必须参考进料尺寸,以确定还原比例是否需要多个阶段的破碎.

A good rule of thumb for single-stage crushers is that a Single Roll Crusher 提供高达6:1的还原比和双辊破碎机提供高达4:1的还原比.

如果应用程序要求超出了本文讨论的指导方针, dictating more than one crushing stage, 然后,必须决定是否应采用单个两级破碎机或两个单独的破碎机.  

If the two-stage crusher is selected, consideration has to be given to the overall headroom available. When selecting a two-stage crusher, feed size generally dictates if a Triple Roll Crusher or Quad Roll Crusher is the appropriate choice.  

Triple Roll
Triple Roll
Quad Roll
Quad Roll

当较大的饲料尺寸需要高达6:1的减少比例,以实现最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, a Triple Roll Crusher should be chosen due to the inherent design, 这使得较大的进料尺寸可以很容易地在顶部(主)辊和破碎板之间的大喉部开口中抓取. 如果进料与菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全粒度可以完成4:1和4:1的比例,那么四辊破碎机可以考虑.

Tooth configuration

At this point in the selection process, 可以选择生产所需菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸所需的齿形和适用的适当冶金方法.

有许多齿型,设计和配置可在辊式破碎机今天. 选择正确的冶金和齿形对最大限度地提高破碎机的生产能力至关重要, product shape and sizing and wear life. 



铸件质量的提高和更多外来金属的可用性创造了对更好的耐磨元素的渴望. McLanahan Corporation worked closely with one of our suppliers to develop a weld-on carbide tooth, 最初是为煤炭工业提供延长其破碎元件磨损寿命而开发的. 这方面的成功已导致向其他矿物加工工业提供更多的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.


还必须考虑到进料的流动性,如果它有粘性, clay-like quality.

  • 是否需要轧辊刮刀或不同轧辊速度提供自清洁作用,以防止材料积聚在轧辊表面?  
  • Is water being added?

轧辊速度的差异赋予了压缩破碎,但也带来了撕裂/剪切作用的额外好处. 黏糊糊的, 粘土状物质有可能在两段机器的两段之间堆积,并最终堵塞两段之间. 在许多情况下,在这种情况下,您唯一的选择是使用两台单级机器.

Throughput capacity

Throughput capacity of a crusher has multiple variables, which are taken into account when calculating crusher capacity. With Roll Crushers, 料流100%在辊体之间或辊与破碎板之间进行加工. 辊子宽度与辊子到辊子或辊子到压板之间的距离之间产生的空间必须使用以下变量来计算: 

  • Roll diameter
  • Roll width
  • Roll speed
  • Gap setting
  • Bulk density
  • The crushing factor of the feed material


Once all the information is gathered, then the proper crusher(s) can be selected. In some instances, multiple crusher options and combinations are available for the same application, and the ultimate decision is left up to the operator or contractor.

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In the end, many factors play a part in the selection of the proper crushing equipment, and in many applications, there is more than one correct choice. 应联系破碎机制造商,以审查您的应用细节并概述所有可用选项,为您的矿物加工项目提供专业建议. 

标签: 破碎

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